Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Sofa Will Last Decades--If You Choose Wisely

In 1985 I paid what seemed like a small fortune for a sofa at the local design center. And you know what? That sofa is still with me. It's still comfortable, reasonably good looking (if you're willing to look past the dog hair), and showing no signs of wearing out. Investing in a quality sofa will pay dividends for years--if you learn a few tips. Consider how many people you need to seat: A sofa with two cushions will generally only seat two people, no matter how long it is, because people always avoid sitting on the crack between cushions. Need to seat more? Choose a sofa with three cushions or one continuous one. If you to lie on your sofa, make sure you measure the space you want between the arms, not just the overall length, since a couch with wide or rolled arms may have less space in the middle.

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